Kamis, 14 September 2017

Tugas Blog Resume Kuliah Pertemuan Pertama Perilaku Konsumen (Rabu Siang)

Departmen Hasil Hutan (www.dthh.fahutan.ipb.ac.id)
Fakultas Kehutanan (www.fahutan.ipb.ac.id)
Institut Pertanian Bogor (www.ipb.ac.id)
Prof Dr Ir UJANG SUMARWAN, MSc (www.sumarwan.staff.ipb.ac.id)
www.ujangsumarwan.blog.mb.ipb.ac.id, sumarwan@mb.ipb.ac.id

   Dr. Ir Lilik Noor Yuliati, MFSA

 Dr. Ir. Megawati Simanjuntak, MS

 Ir. Retnaningsih, MS

 Ir. Md Djamaluddin, MSc

Ujang Sumarwan. 2011. Perilaku Konsumen: Teori dan Penerapannya dalam Pemasaran. Jakarta (ID): PT Ghalia Indonesia 
                   When we talk about world, we also talk about people. People interact wih others in order to build a relationship. as a human, we have an unique behavior and it's different with each other. in using a product or service, we have our own decision to choose what we want or what we need. What is the simple definition of Consumer behavior? every action and also pshycology process of human that motivate an action to buy, spent or do something.  
           Consumer behavior is different in every nation in this world. But it didn't close a chance that they can be so similar. For example, almost all of the people in this world need internet to stay up to date for news. We use social media in order to keep in touch with our beloved one. But people has different taste in choosing product or service. For example, a group of people in  a town is like to use car to go out, but a group of people in village is like to go by feet or even a bicycle. Every consumer has their own taste to choose a product or service in order to reach self satisfaction.
      On the next chapter, we talk about motivation and goal. Those two come from needs from the consumer . There are 2 types of need, those are primary needs and acquired needs. Primary needs comes naturally without any trigger. If we don't fulfill this needs, we will face so many struggle in life . Acquired needs is triggered by self desire or even by the enviroment. It's not as important as primary needs, but it needs to be fulfilled to reach a self satisfaction

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