Senin, 11 September 2017


         My name is Marcelino Andrean, and also called marcel, or Mak Itam. I'm originally came from bukittinggi but born in Padang on 15th April 1997. I'm 175cm tall and my weight is around 82. My skin was a little bit exotic compared with the others. I was using eyeglasses since 11th grade, it was because i spent too much time in front of computer without resting. I'm the last child of my family, the third child from three and i have 2 older sister. Both of them have worked. My oldest sister has one daughter that still in elementary school right now
          I studied at elementary school number 16 padang for 6 years and then continue at junior high school number 1 padang for 3 years. After graduated at junior high school, i was planning to take acceleration class, but i cancel it cause i think the moment in senior high will be the most precious and skipping 1 year of school wouldn't be a nice idea i think. Fortunetaly, i was accepted at senior high school 1 Padang. Then, 3 years passed so fast and i decided to continue my study out of my hometown , or we can call the that "merantau". it was not that easy to make a decision where i should go. After every struggle that i ever feel, i finally choose IPB, forest product from faculty of forestry. I choose forestry because it's my passion and i love to study about trees or wood. First year in IPB, i met so many new friends, especially in dormitory. i didn't know dormitory will be this fun. so many culture and type of people merge in on home. The enviroment is so different with Padang too. It always rain here and the thunder is so frightening. And right now, it's my third year in IPB, i'm focus to finish my study right on the time and seek for my job. if we talked about future career, i wanna be a businessman or a master of dendrology that can identify so many trees.
         As a tenaager, i also have some hobbies and something that i interested to. i like travelling around without any destination, and playing E-Games. i also interest on learning multi languages. The languages that i ever study are English, Deutsch and Japan, but i'm not expert on those but at least i can understand it in a short time. One day, before i go to Makkah, i wanna visit and have a holiday in japan. i have so many things that i want to know there, from the culture, language and even the entertaiment. When i was in senior high, i studied japanese by myself in order to prepare if i can go there someday.

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